One True Podcast
One True Podcast explores all things related to Hemingway, his work, and his world. The show is hosted by Mark Cirino and produced by Michael Von Cannon. Join us in conversation with scholars, artists, political leaders, and other luminaries. For more, follow us on Twitter @1truepod. You can also email us at 1truepod@gmail.com.
One True Podcast
Robert W. Trogdon on the Early Years, Part 2
Robert W. Trogdon joins One True Podcast to share the treasures of the new Library of America volume he has edited: A Farewell to Arms and Other Writings, 1927-1932. We discuss Hemingway and his life during those magical, turbulent years, and also the great work he produced.
From his second short story collection, Men Without Women to his second novel, A Farewell to Arms, to the unexpected turn his career takes, the bullfighting treatise titled Death in the Afternoon, Trogdon guides us through these works and these eventful years. Trogdon also discusses the various textual issues he faced while editing this volume, including the expletives of A Farewell to Arms, an inverted paragraph that nobody knew about, and Hemingway’s vision for the bullfighting photographs in Death in the Afternoon.
Join us as we discuss the second Hemingway offering from the Library of America with its editor!