One True Podcast

in our time, chapter 12: "They whack whacked the white horse"

September 05, 2024 Mark Cirino and Michael Von Cannon

Welcome to the twelfth of our eighteen shows celebrating the centenary of the Paris edition of Hemingway’s book of vignettes, in our time.

In this episode, we discuss Hemingway's powerful depiction of a bullfighting scene between bull and horse. We start out with that famous "whack whacked" opening before turning to what might be an equally important and seriously overlooked (by us!) part of the story. In addition, we read this vignette in light of Hemingway's remarks about gored horses from The Sun Also Rises and Death in the Afternoon. Just as with previous vignettes, we also focus time on the last sentence and why the chapter ends the way it does.

Join us as we explore in our time before it became In Our Time!